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Printable Craft Paper: Red Mandala 1 Pattern

Teabag folding paper, mm candyBrilliant red mandala craft paper design is ideal for all folding crafts like origami or teabag folidng as well as scrapbooking and paper crafts. I created this mandala design by digitally morphing a photograph of M&M candies.


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Red Mandala Design Craft Paper

This page contains 9 copies of my red mandala 1 craft paper design that can be used for all types of paper crafts. Each square measures 200x200 pixels. You can print the page to use the 6 blocks as one sheet, or cut apart the individual pieces.

Red Mandala Folding Paper Design is a kaleidoscopic pattern created from a photograph of colorful candies.

M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala
M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala
M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala M and M candy mandala

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