Borders Clip Art Collections

We have many fun graphic borders in different styles - clip art border dividers and lines (straight line rules) both vertical and horizontal plus picture frames, tags and graphic decorations for you to design your own borders and graphic picture frames in any size you need.

Christmas Borders Collection

Dividers & Border Lines

This page shows a sample of our popular rules and divider border graphics available in horizontal and vertical formats.

Visit the rule borders collection page to view all our designs for dividers and line borders, in both vertical and horizontal layouts, and in their full sizes.

Conversation candy hearts border clipart

Ice cream border

Cup Cakes Border

Shamrocks border art

Pirate flags border

easter eggs border

flamingo clip art dividers

Dance penguins clip art border

crayons clip art border, vertical small size             
fall leaves clip art border          


Frame Borders

Page Borders

Below is a sample display of our picture frame clip art borders.

Many small frame border graphics can be used as picture frames or to make small labels and gift tags. Use large page size border frames to design scrapbook layouts, party invites, certificates, stationery, flyers, posters, menus and signs.

Vintage valentine clipart label graphic

Paw prints oval frame border clipart

Thanksgiving picture frame border
double heart frame
Sandal thongs and shells frame border

purple hearts frame border

Flower frame border

School pencil border

Map parchment, burned paper frame

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